• Mar 11, 2024
  • 1 minute

Le misure di austerità, insieme agli shock economici e alla debole protezione sociale stanno facendo aumentare le malattie mentali, i suicidi e le malattie infettive. Diminuiscono gli incidenti automobilistici.
E’ il risultato di uno studio pubblicato sulla rivista Lancet e ripreso in questo articolo dello Spiegel:

As the euro crisis wears on, the tough austerity measures implemented in ailing member states are resulting in serious health issues, a study revealed on Wednesday. Mental illness, suicide rates and epidemics are on the rise, while access to care has dwindled.The rigid austerity measures brought on by the euro crisis are having catastrophic effects on the health of people in stricken countries, health experts reported on Wednesday.
viaLancet Study: European Austerity Costing Lives – SPIEGEL ONLINE.

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